Spotlight on the Press: Mockingbird Lane!

This weekend, the head of the press that is publishing my book, Mockingbird Lane, was interviewed– and ‘Till the Last Petal Falls was even mentioned! Let me tell you, for running both a journal publication and a press while being a small-team, Regina and Jaime do a pretty good job of keeping things running smoothly. Like I’ve mentioned before, I’m a huge supporter of small presses. There are just somethings that a press-team does for a book that cannot be done by a single author alone! Editing, formatting, designing, distributing…. sure, that doesn’t mean that the press can guarantee that there will be no mistakes in the final product (I know of several typos in this first run of ‘Till the Last Petal Falls), and with a smaller team the margin for error goes up- but there is still a team there to support you, there are still people there willing to invest in your work and make it the best that it can possibly be. I don’t regret a single moment of publishing with a small press like Mockingbird Lane, and it’s very exciting to see Regina and her start-up efforts recognized in this interview. With time, who knows? Mockingbird could grow into a household name- and getting your copy of my book, or one of the others of Mockingbird’s offering, will ensure that you are a part of that.

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