February Progress: Writing, Writing, Writing

Hello everyone! I know that we were expecting for ‘Till the Last Petal Falls to have been out by this point, but due to some weather and electronic hiccups it’s probably going to be another week before the book is sent out. I’m sorry for inconvenience that this might cause, but the good news is that that means that the 15% off pre-orders is still going on, and will continue until the books are shipped to me 😀

In the meantime, here’s an update about what I’ve been doing in the world of writing:

  •     Finishing up the last couple of guest posts for the March Book Blog Tour. I’ve got a couple of stellar blogs lined up for this, and I think you are all going to love some of the posts and interviews that I’ve gotten ready for everyone!
  •     I’m now up to chapter twenty in the first draft of To Dwell in Dreams- only ten more chapters to go before I can turn the thing around and start editing and revising up to manuscript status (that part will probably take all summer, if I’m going to hazard a guess- this novel takes a bit more work in terms of consistency and making sure that things are up to standard with writing outside of my own personal experience. I might enlist the help of beta readers with this one!)
  •    In my university fiction class I’ve been drafting and drafting new short stories that I will edit through workshopping and peer-readers, hopefully culminating in submitting the stories under my fiction name to a couple of literary magazines. I’ve currently written three stories, entitled: He Who Wrestles With God, Synonymous, and Echoes. This is my first time really wandering into the realm of short stories, and it’s been a really fun challenge so far.

So that’s it for now, hopefully I’ll be able to have more for you regarding TLLPF sometime by early next week! I’m super excited to be able to hold it in my hands! So soon!